Do Not Harm

Who do we call when the very people who have sworn to protect and serve also tend to escalate terror and destruction?

There are more good people than bad. However, if the good people do not stand up against the bad people, there are no good people. If the good people are treated the same way as the bad people, there is no justice. If the people who do bad are not punished, there is no justice. If there is no justice, how can there be peace?

There are more good officers than bad. However, if the good officers do not hold those who do wrong accountable, there are no good officers. If the officers who do bad are not punished, there is no justice. If there is no justice, how can there be peace?



Those who are sworn in the police force should take some type of test or questionnaire about their stance on things. Are you biased against a certain party? Are you mentally equipped to deal with people different from you and deescalate problems? Can you make the right decisions for the greater good while under pressure? Do you have the intention of protecting ALL CITIZENS in mind?

If those who chose to take an oath to uphold the law do not also abide by the law, how can there be justice?

As I was trying to articulate my thoughts through research – trying to come up with possible ways to help bridge the gap between police and the community; I came across this blog post from the National Police Foundation – Hippocratic Oath for Policing by Sgt. Jeremiah P. Johnson of Darien (CT) Police Department.

This post very beautifully articulated the message I was struggling to convey . Police Officers are NECESSARY. I think the mission of the Police Force should be reiterated and updated on a yearly basis through training and workshops. The Hippocratic Oath for Policing could be a small step in the right direction, in addition to more mental and temperament training.

Like Sgt. Johnson said, the calling to be a police officer is an honorable one… yet officers are still a member of the public and share the same obligation to comply with the laws they are sworn to uphold.



Thank you to the officers who serve with love in their hearts. Thank you to the officers who have the good of the whole community in mind. Thank you to the officers who treat all people with dignity- especially those with disabilities. Thank you to the officers who have sacrificed their lives. Thank you to the officers who have made this career path into a service mission to better help the community.




***champagne and confetti***





Cover Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash

Published by Jalynn

Mom, careerwoman, powerlifter;

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